New Feature - Pay A Bill

Good news! We have added the ability to pay your bill online, making it easier than ever to do business with Furniture-Pro.

You can access this feature by clicking on the blue 'Pay A Bill' button toward the top of the page, just to the right of the main menu.

For payments below $500.00, you can pay your bill without any additional fees. For payments of $500.00 and above, a fee of 2% will be assessed.

Please feel free to call if you have any questions or need assistance.

Team Selling Approach

We have a good working solution to having a team selling approach.

  • There must be a “lead” designer assigned to each customer at all times.
  • The “lead” designer is the team member that “has the ball” on the client project.  This designer retains the “client card” and the specific activity as controlled by FP-CRM Client dashboard only.
  • The “lead” designer is specified by the customer maintenance “designer” field.

    New Interface For FP-Webmail

    New webmail interface

    Furniture-Pro Webmail now has a new look and feel!

    The login page for Furniture-Pro Webmail is very straight forward - simply enter your FP user name and password on the form and select your site code from the pull-down menu. Then click on the Login button.

    Once you are in the Groupware portal interface, click on Inbox on the left or Mail from the menu on the top and your messages will appear in the main screen to the right. Click on a message to read it in the lower screen or double-click to open it in a new window.

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